Losar - The Tibetian New Year

Losar - The Tibetian New Year

Losar is one of the most important, if not the important festival of Sikkim. The Tibetan word “Losar” translates to “New Year” in English. The festival coincides with the end of the harvesting season, providing all the farmers the much-needed break to rejoice the fruits of their patience and hard work. It would not be incorrect to say that while Losar is a much-awaited event for the locals, it is also looked forward to with the same zeal by many cultural enthusiasts and photographers worldwide who are eagerly waiting to get a closer rendezvous with the vibrant culture and traditions of this little jewel of North East India.
                                Credits- Tour-India.com

It is believed that in the earlier days, Losar was celebrated only as a winter ceremony. But, Gradually, with changes in Tibetan astrological methods and predictions, it started to be celebrated as a warm welcome to a new harvesting season and new year.

This festival is celebrated on the 29th day of the 12th month of the Tibetian Lunar calendar year and the celebrations for the same start more than a week before. 

Celebrations in Sikkim

In Sikkim, streets, houses and monasteries get adorned in vibrant colours, with people indulging themselves in shopping for new clothes and jewellery, and organizing re-union dinners amongst friends and families. Yak dance performances by youngsters on the streets make the atmosphere even more electrifying, providing the outsiders a deeper insight into an effervescent Sikkimese culture.

Cham masked dance performances by the lamas in monasteries of Sikkim is one of the most integral and significant parts of the Losar celebrations, which often lure people across the nation and parts of the world to come and soak themselves in the unmatched festive spirits. Another noteworthy highlight of Losar is the ritual of offering buckets of Tsampa (a mixture of roasted barley flour and butter) on home altars praying for a good harvest in the current New Year.  

To conclude, I would say that if you ever get chance to attend this festival, well.... DO IT.

Rishit Basundhara

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